Why Is The Show Golden Retriever Special & Should You Get One

Are you considering adding a furry friend to your family? If so, you may want to consider a Golden Retriever. These dogs are known for their friendly and loving nature, making them the perfect addition to any household.

While there are two variations of this breed, the show Golden Retriever has some unique qualities that make it special. Show Golden Retrievers have a distinct appearance with a luxurious coat and a regal stance.

They are bred for their beauty and conformation to breed standards, making them the ideal choice for those interested in the world of dog shows.

But, is a show Golden Retriever right for you? In this article, we will explore the characteristics of the show Golden Retriever and help you determine if this breed is the right fit for your family.

What Does A Golden Retriever Look Like?

Although both field and show variations of Golden Retrievers make great family pets, it’s important to note that the show Golden Retriever has a heavier build and longer, gorgeous coat, adding to their appeal as a show dog.

Show Golden Retrievers have a thick, wavy double coat that requires regular grooming to maintain its beauty. Their coat is often a golden, warm color with buff feathers, making them stand out in the show ring.

In addition to their stunning coat, show Golden Retrievers have a sociable and friendly demeanor, making them easy to handle in the show ring. They’re typically calm and obedient, making them great at following commands and showing off their skills.

These traits make them ideal for those who are looking for a dog to show in competitions or as a companion to other dogs and people.

What Is A Field Golden Retriever?

If you’re looking for a more active and athletic companion, you might want to consider the field variation of this breed. Field Golden Retrievers are leaner and have a more athletic build compared to their show counterparts.

They were originally bred for hunting and working, which means they have a strong prey drive and a lot of energy.

These dogs have darker coats with shorter fur than show Golden Retrievers. They require regular exercise and training to keep them physically and mentally stimulated. Field Golden Retrievers are highly intelligent and excel in dog sports such as agility, dock diving, and flyball.

Although they may have a higher energy level than show Golden Retrievers, they are still great family pets who love attention and affection from their humans.

What Is A Show Golden Retriever?

You might be surprised to learn that there’s a variation of this beloved breed that’s bred primarily for appearance and has a more sociable build. This variation is called the Show Golden Retriever.

Unlike the Field Golden Retriever, which has a slim, athletic build, the Show Golden Retriever has a heavier and more sociable build.

They were bred for their beautiful appearance and make great show dogs. Show Golden Retrievers have a longer, gorgeous coat that requires regular grooming for competitions.

Even though they were bred for their appearance, Show Golden Retrievers are still great family pets. They’re calmer and more friendly than their field counterparts and make excellent service and therapy dogs. They’re easy to train and love praise and treats.

Show Golden Retrievers are also good with kids and other pets, making them a great addition to any family. If you’re looking for a furry companion that’s not only beautiful but also kind and loving, then a Show Golden Retriever might be the perfect fit for you.

Has A Golden Retriever Ever Won Best In Show?

It’s surprising to learn that despite their popularity and success in sporting groups, a Golden Retriever has never won Best in Show at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. However, this doesn’t diminish the breed’s excellence in other categories, such as obedience, agility, and dock diving.

Golden Retrievers have won Best in Group twice and consistently rank high in sporting groups, demonstrating their versatility and athleticism. While winning Best in Show is a prestigious achievement, it’s important to remember that a dog’s worth is not determined by awards or titles.

Golden Retrievers are beloved for their kind and friendly nature, loyalty, and eagerness to please. Whether you choose a field or show variation, a Golden Retriever is a wonderful addition to any family and can make an excellent therapy or service dog.

So, if you’re considering getting a Golden Retriever, don’t let their lack of Best in Show titles discourage you.

The joy and love they bring to your life are priceless.

How Do You Groom A Golden Retriever For Show?

To properly groom your furry companion for competitions, start by regularly brushing their thick, wavy coat to prevent matting and shedding. This will also help distribute the natural oils in their coat, giving it a shiny and healthy appearance.

When grooming a show Golden Retriever, it’s important to pay extra attention to their feathering, which is the longer hair on their legs, tail, and chest. Use a slicker brush to gently brush out any tangles and knots, followed by a comb to smooth out the hair.

Another important aspect of grooming a show Golden Retriever is trimming their nails and cleaning their ears.

Long nails can be uncomfortable for your furry friend and may interfere with their movement, so trim them regularly with a nail clipper or grinder. Clean their ears with a cotton ball and a gentle ear cleaning solution to prevent infections.

Lastly, don’t forget to give your furry friend a bath before a competition. Use a dog-specific shampoo and conditioner to keep their coat clean and shiny, and make sure to dry them thoroughly to prevent any skin irritations.

With a little bit of love and care, your show Golden Retriever will be ready to shine in the ring.


Before bringing home a new show Golden Retriever, it’s crucial to research and prepare for their arrival. Start by finding a reputable breeder who conducts DNA testing to ensure the puppy’s health.

Once you’ve found a breeder, make sure you have all necessary supplies, such as a crate, bowls, food, toys, and grooming tools.

It’s also important to schedule a visit to the veterinarian for a check-up and necessary vaccinations.

To prepare your home for your new pup, make sure to puppy-proof by removing any hazards, such as poisonous plants, electrical cords, and small objects that could be swallowed.

Establish a designated area for your new furry family member, such as a crate or bed, and start training from day one. Consistency and positive reinforcement are key to a successful training experience.

Remember, with the right preparation and training, your new show Golden Retriever will be a great addition to your family and a loyal companion for years to come.

Ear Grooming

Grooming your new furry family member’s ears is an essential task that requires careful attention and patience. Show Golden Retrievers have long, gorgeous coats, which means their ears need more frequent grooming than their field counterparts.

You should clean your Golden Retriever’s ears at least once a week using a gentle ear cleaning solution. Make sure to use cotton balls or pads and avoid using Q-tips, as they can damage the ear canal.

When cleaning the ears, start by gently lifting the ear flap and applying the cleaning solution.

Massage the base of the ear for a few seconds to help the solution get deep into the ear canal. Then, use a cotton ball or pad to wipe away any dirt or wax that has accumulated.

Be sure to praise and reward your Golden Retriever for staying still during the grooming process. With patience and consistency, ear grooming can become a stress-free bonding experience for both you and your furry friend.


Don’t underestimate the importance of maintaining your furry friend’s whiskers. Show Golden Retrievers have beautiful, flowing coats that require regular grooming. However, many owners forget to groom their pup’s whiskers.

Whiskers are important sensory tools for dogs, and they use them to navigate their surroundings.

Without proper maintenance, whiskers can become tangled or damaged, which can cause discomfort for your furry friend.

To maintain your show Golden Retriever’s whiskers, use a small, blunt-tipped pair of scissors to trim any long hairs.

Be careful not to cut too close, as this can cause pain or irritation. You should also use a dog-specific brush to gently comb through your pup’s whiskers, removing any dirt or debris.

By taking care of your show Golden Retriever’s whiskers, you’ll be ensuring their comfort and well-being, which will make them happier and more willing to serve as a loving family companion.

Feet Grooming

Make sure your furry friend’s feet are groomed regularly to prevent discomfort and maintain their agility and mobility.

Proper grooming is especially important for Show Golden Retrievers, as they are often showcased in competitions and events.

Regular grooming can prevent matting and tangling of the fur, which can lead to discomfort and even infections.

Feet grooming for Golden Retrievers involves trimming the hair between their paw pads, keeping their nails trimmed, and checking for any foreign objects or debris that may have gotten stuck in between their toes.

Regularly checking and grooming your Golden Retriever’s feet can also help prevent any potential injuries, as well as keep them comfortable and healthy. By taking the time to groom your furry friend’s feet, you’re ensuring their overall well-being and happiness.

Tail And Shoulder Grooming

To keep your furry friend looking sharp, it’s important to regularly brush and trim the fur on their tail and shoulders. Show Golden Retrievers have long, gorgeous coats that require more maintenance than their field counterparts.

A well-groomed tail can make a huge difference in their appearance, and trimming the hair around their shoulders can help prevent matting and tangling.

When grooming your show Golden Retriever’s tail, start by brushing out any knots or tangles. Use scissors to trim any excess hair, being careful not to cut too close to the skin.

For the shoulders, use thinning shears to carefully trim any long or tangled hair. Regular grooming will not only make your furry friend look good, but it will also keep them comfortable and healthy.

Which Golden Retriever Type Should You Get?

You’ll fall in love with either variation of this breed and have a hard time choosing which one fits your lifestyle best. Field Golden Retrievers are full of energy and require regular exercise and training, making them ideal for active families who love the outdoors.

They are perfect for those who enjoy dog sports and activities like hiking, running, and swimming. Field Golden Retrievers are also great for hunting and working, as they have a slim, athletic build and a natural instinct for retrieving.

On the other hand, Show Golden Retrievers are calmer and friendlier, making them excellent family pets. They have a more sociable build and a longer, gorgeous coat that requires grooming for competitions.

Show Golden Retrievers are well-behaved and make excellent service and therapy dogs. If you prefer a dog who is more relaxed and easygoing, a Show Golden Retriever might be the perfect fit for you.

Regardless of which type you choose, both variations of Golden Retrievers are equally lovable and make great pets for families with children.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a Golden Retriever?

Golden Retriever is a breed of dogs that originated in the United Kingdom some time in the 19th century. They were initially bred as hunting dogs to retrieve shot waterfowls during hunting.

What’s the difference between a Field Golden Retriever and a Show Golden Retriever?

Field Golden Retrievers are typically bred for working purposes while Show Goldens are bred for their looks and conformation to a specific AKC breed standard. Field Goldens tend to be more high energy and are purebred dogs that are bred to hunt or work as service dogs, while Show Goldens are stockier and have a fluffier coat making them better for households as companion dogs.

Can I get golden retriever puppies from field and show golden retrievers?

Yes, you may be able to get golden retriever puppies from both types of golden retrievers. However, it is essential to note that the puppies’ energy levels may differ based on their parent’s energy levels.

What are the different types of Golden retrievers?

There are two types of Golden Retrievers – Show Golden Retrievers and Field Golden Retrievers.

Are Golden Retrievers high energy?

Yes, Golden Retrievers are typically high energy dogs. They thrive on exercise and require ample opportunities to be active and expend their energy. However, the energy levels may vary based on the dog’s age and parents.

What is a Red Golden Retriever?

Red Golden Retrievers are Golden Retrievers with a reddish tint to their coat. They are not a separate breed but a variation on the same breed.

What is a Field-Bred Golden Retriever?

Field-bred Golden Retrievers have been bred for their working characteristics and traits that allow them to perform well in the field. They tend to have higher energy levels and are more mouthy than Show Goldens.

Are English Cream Golden Retrievers different from other Golden Retrievers?

English Cream Golden Retrievers are not different from other Golden Retrievers but a variation of the breed that originates from Europe and has a lighter cream-colored coat.

What are the differences between the Field Golden Retriever and a Show Golden Retriever in temperament?

Field Golden Retrievers are bred for their working abilities. They tend to be highly energetic, mouthy and focused on their work. In contrast, Show Golden Retrievers are bred to be calm and easy-going, making them ideal as companion pets.

Was the term “Field Golden Retriever” always used to refer to this type of dog?

No, initially, Golden Retrievers weren’t bred specifically for field work, and the term “Field Golden Retriever” was not used. The Golden Retriever Club of America coined the term “field” to differentiate the Golden Retrievers that were bred to work and hunt from their show counterparts.

Do Golden Retrievers make good family pets?

Yes, Golden Retrievers make excellent family pets. They are loyal, affectionate, and love spending time with their owners. Their high energy levels make them ideal playmates for children, and they are generally friendly and outgoing towards people and other pets.


So, should you get a show Golden Retriever? It ultimately depends on your personal preferences and lifestyle.

If you’re looking for a dog with a striking appearance and enjoy the idea of participating in dog shows or competitions, a show Golden Retriever may be the perfect fit for you.

They require more grooming and maintenance than their field counterparts, but this can be a fun and rewarding activity for both you and your dog.

However, if you’re simply looking for a loving and loyal companion, either variation of the Golden Retriever breed will make a great addition to your family.

Both are known for their affectionate nature and are great with children and other pets.

No matter which type of Golden Retriever you choose, you can be sure that you’re bringing home a wonderful and beloved member of the family.